Donna Vaillancourt
As a former director of the department of human resources for San Mateo County, Donna Vaillancourt provides a balance of high-level leadership skills and keen, detail-oriented insight.
Donna began her career with the County in 1981 after serving for three years in the U.S. Army as a field medic stationed in Germany. During her 37-year career in San Mateo County, she served in various leadership positions, including as deputy director of public works.
During her tenure as San Mateo County’s director of human resources, she spearheaded new workforce planning projects, employee engagement efforts, leadership development courses and wellness programs to attract and retain talent in a dynamic organization consisting of over 5,500 employees. Her award-winning projects included establishing the County’s STEP program for emancipated foster youth and creating San Mateo’s internal coach program.
Over the course of her career, she has also expanded her own leadership and coaching skills. From 2018 to 2023, she provided executive coaching, organizational development consulting and talent development and engagement services to various agencies.
Donna has also served as a board member for several professional and civic organizations including the County Personnel Administrators Association of California, the California State Association of Counties Institute of Excellence and California Public Employers Labor Relations Association. She is currently a board member of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the Public Sector HR Association and chairs the San Mateo County Veterans Commission.
Donna holds a B.S. in human resource management from Columbia Southern University and is a Credentialed California County Senior Executive and a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation. She is also certified to administer various leadership assessments, such as EQi 2.0, Myers Briggs and Everything DiSC.